Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we update our online catalog every month. The products listed in our catalog are available in our warehouse. You can track our products online (catalog) through our website.

The production location is mainly in China.

When a sufficient order quantity is provided, delivery of private label orders (from China) is possible.

Certainly, you can see the products in our three showrooms available at our office. Depending on your needs, you can request samples either from our office or through shipping.

You can purchase the products listed separately in our catalog as individual bottles. Additionally, you can select the products you like from our range (appropriate sprays, collars, and caps) and assemble them as sets. Moreover, you can purchase the products already arranged as sets as shown in our catalog.

Yes, we do. We provide screen printing and painting services at our factory located in İkitelli. Additionally, upon request, we can also import products painted from China for high-volume orders.

Our orders within Turkey are delivered to the warehouse, while our orders from China are on an FOB China basis.

Yes, we export our products to at least 30 countries. Our export activities are increasing day by day.